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Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter Hoildays 2024

 I am curerntley updating the blog and facebook groups fro the Summer of 2024 so please feel free to follow the group and coment.

Rent up dates include the following information.

Information about Green Flag Award(s)

Angling information update.

So please feel free to view these sections.

Good afternoon I have been reading upon surport the angling trust offer. This is something that would be spoken about when the Friends of Whittleford Park Meeting Takes places.

I have been looking at the mebership offers to see is any of them could help to surport and maintain the Bluey.

To allow angling and also to protect the loacl wildlife with in the area.

If anyone is already a meber I would love to hear from you.

If not I am thinking that the following mebershipship may apply when we reastablish the group.

Would love your views on this.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Protecting Wildlife: Endangered Species in the UK That Need Urgent Attention/ What can be found in Whittleford Park this Summer?

 Protecting Wildlife: Endangered Species in the UK That Need Urgent Attention.

Over the summer Holiday From 1st August 2023-5th September 2023

Please list any of the following endangered animals that you see.



How many.

Or signs like foot prints.

Please use additional piece of paper and include further information and photos.

Your survey can be completed and be dropped off at Stockingford ~Community Centrer or sent via email to

I will publish the results after September 2023

Endangered Species



How many?



Birds – Starling

Turtle dove

Wart-biter cricket


Cosnard’s net-winged Beetle

Bearded false darkling beetle

Small tortoiseshell butterfly

Great Crested Newt

Natterjack toad


The Smooth Snake


Water Vole

Hazel Dormouse

Bats – Pipistrelle