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Friends of Whittleford Park Meeting- April 7th 2022 Issues raised

 Friends of Whittleford Park Meeting- April 7th 2022 Issues raised

• Anti-social behaviour Lighting fires- it was suggested that a designated area for fires/barbeques could be developed rather than visitors to the park lighting fires in random areas. This would involve discussions with the fire service and looking at the implications of having insurance for this on Council land. Fly tipping - replacing fencing at the Katrine Close end of the park with an alternative e.g., maintenance gate to gain access to clear rubbish. Is it possible for CCTV to be installed in this area? Would a mail drop help or involving Neighbourhood Watch and Community Officer.

• Updating notice boards There is now a member of Council staff who will look at improving the notice boards around the park ensuring information is up to date. These boards could also display photographs of wild life and activities that are happening within the park. It was also suggested that a QR code could be displayed giving access to more information.

• Facebook To update social media account, again using photographs to encourage visitors to care for the park. To set up a site for under 18’s to be used by schools to promote activities. Look at existing information /resources for Heritage Trail.

• Care of pools within the park Fisherman of The Clay Pool attended the meeting today. They have already taken positive steps to keeping this area clear doing their own rubbish collection. These fishermen are members of ‘the bluey’ which is a FB site linked to the pool where they constantly encourage anglers to ensure all rubbish is cleared. However, a bag of discarded fishing line from various pools within the park was shown at the meeting. A photograph of this will be placed on ‘the bluey’ site as well as this site. Discussions were had about forming a group of anglers to ensure communication between both groups.

Footpaths There is a lot of flooding of paths around the play areas. It was suggested that natural drainage areas could be looked at perhaps reinstating existing ones.

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