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UK insects that bite or sting what to do?


UK insects that bite or sting what to do?

I have put some information and web site link(s) that you may find helpful.

In case of an emergence phone 999, 111 or 101.

This is why we would advise that when you are walking in the countryside that you dress for the weather and the environment.

Where ever possible were appropriate foot wear, long trousers, long sleeve top and a hat.

When walking in Whittleford Park please try and keep to the paths and avoid walking into the woodland or under growth.

Please try to to touch the wildlife and if any wildlife is found injured or dead please phone

  1. 999.

  2. 101

  3. 111

  4. You can also contact Stockingford Community Centre on Haunchwood Road on

  5. 024 7638 8508

Please try and keep dogs on a lead when near the pools in the park epically during nesting season.

One you get home please check your self, any children or pets for signs of.

  1. Sting(s)

  2. Bites(s)

  3. Tick(s)

  4. Flee(s)

Look for signs of

  1. Small red lump on the skin

  2. Swelling

  3. Itchiness

  4. Blistering

  5. Bruising

Please note that some plants if the come into contact with skin may cause.

  1. Skin and eye irritation

  2. Small red lump on the skin

  3. Swelling

  4. Itchiness

  5. Blistering

  6. Bruising

If in doubt call 999 or 111 strait away.

I have also include the local Pharmacies that you may be able to contact for medical advice and assistance.

Pharmacies opening times in Nuneaton | FindOpen UK (

pharmacies in nuneaton camphill - Search (

pharmacies in nuneaton stockingford - Search (

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